Sunday, April 20, 2008

Holly Bishop Scribe

Today the class had another 1984 presentation. Before the presentation however, Mrs. Moritz talked about the elite 10 sophomores for Link Crew next year. These special students get to work behind the scenes and are invited to all of the Link crew events.

Any way, Emily, Matt, and Caryn presented and per usual, began with a quiz. After the quiz, the class engaged in a fishbowl. You had to participate in the fishbowl or you wouldn’t get the extra point on the quiz.

Our first topic was about O’Brian and determining whether he was for the party, part of the brotherhood, or somewhere in between. Next, students compared 1984 to today world countries . Some of the students compared it to the United States because of the media influence and how the government keeps secrets from the common US citizen. The US is also, apparently, is torturing political enemies on US territories so that the common US citizen doesn’t have to know about it.

Another big topic was how O’Brian was able to know what Winston was thinking. Mrs. Moritz pointed out that if you know a person well enough. That you kind of have the ability to read their thoughts. I think that it is because of the technology that O’Brian processes. Other students thought that it was because O’Brian had been trough the process before and knew what was coming.

The last big topic was Julia regarding whether Winston should just forget about her or if she is the person that is keeping him alive. On the flip side, some people think that she wasn’t even captured while other think that she is going through the same torture that Winston is going through.

Overall, I think that the fishbowl worked out really well. I wasn’t boring and all through out the hour, it kept my attention. If was also fun to her Mr. Moritz’s view on some of the topics discussed. If you were gone, you missed out on a lot. Oh well.